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There’s every chance that the new highly scientific AccuGlove will live up to that billing.
It is produced by New York-based AccuGlove LLC, a leader in applying patented accupressure technology, and is designed to enhance a golfer’s performance by reducing on-course stress through its target accupressure zones.
The manufacturer claims that AccuGlove utilises the principles of accupressure and the five-element theory of eastern medicine to alleviate tension. The glove’s target accupressure zones are formulated specifically to eliminate the stress generated during a round.
When a golfer tightens his grip the accupressure points generate a slight pressure and while barely noticed by the player himself, it’s enough to initiate increaased circulation and health benefits in the areas affected by the swing. It’s further claimed that the pressure generated in two of the zones has been shown to have a calming influence and provides a higher level of on-course concentration.
A load of old mumbo jumbo? Who knows, but we’ve ordered an AccuGlove and fully intend putting it to the test in the near future. So watch this space…
For more details check out www.accuglove.com where AccuGlove will soon be available to European customers. AccuGlove costs $19.95 for a single glove and $16.95 for two or more.