Mar13 LawrieOpendeal

By TG Sports Writer

Scot Paul Lawrie, the last Brit to win a Major championship, has received a welcome boost to his hopes of a successful British Open title defence at Carnoustie in July.

Lawrie, who famously defeated Jean Van de Velde and Justin Leonard in a play-off at the Angus course in 1999, heard today that he will continue to be backed by TETRA Technologies Inc. So Lawrie will wear the TETRA branding on the side of his headwear in the year of his eagerly-anticipated return to the scene of his greatest golfing moment.

Said Lawrie: “I’m very grateful to TETRA for their support over the years and delighted that we will be working together for the forseeable future.”

Confirmed Duane Sutherland, TETRA’s vice-president of Europe and Africa: “Paul has been a great ambassador for us, both locally in Aberdeen and on the global stage. He has also been a great asset to us in our business to business marketing while  the golf days he hosts are eagerly anticipated by all.”

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