Miguel Angel Martin, robbed of a spot in the Ryder Cup


Qualifying for the 1997 Ryder Cup team was the highlight of Miguel Angel Martin’s career. So when he sustained a wrist injury shortly before the event, he was understandably concerned. His wrist seemed to be recovering, however, and he was confident that he’d be fit and ready in time for the opening shot. 

Then the European Team controversially insisted he undergo a fitness test – several weeks before the event. Martin refused, suggesting that a fitness test when he’d had time to recover would make more sense. As a result, he was dropped from the team. 

“They could have waited until days before,” said an understandably devastated Martin.

“It’s the most unfair decision I’ve heard of in golf history,” says Ignacio Garrido. “If it had been Seve or Monty, it would not have happened.” 

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