Bunker Play

  • How to get out of deep bunkers

    Thursday 7 February 2019

    Base your play on these five factors to get out of deep bunkers Deep bunkers of course have an intimidation factor – and sometimes it’s so strong the club golfer is beaten before they even step down into the sand. But when you face the shot with a clear strategy in place, your confidence is lifted. A sound plan gives your action...

  • Play Smart: The Delicate Bunker Shot

    Wednesday 2 May 2018

    Learn how to play the delicate and short greenside bunker shot. . .  The long bunker shot may be one of the hardest assignments in golf, but the short one is no picnic either. When you find yourself in a bunker that is quite close to the pin, the challenge you’ve been set feels easier. But it’s easy to foul it...

  • How to get out of a greenside bunker

    Wednesday 28 February 2018

    Learn how to get out of a tricky greenside bunker in four easy steps Many amateurs struggle from sand because they’re confused about technique. This leads to a lack of confidence, tentative swings and bad shots. You can break that cycle now by adopting a more simple approach, explained here in four simple steps by Golf World instructor Chris Jenkins. #1: LEAD FOOT...

  • Master the 40 yard bunker shot

    Wednesday 10 January 2018

    Learn how to master the 40 yard bunker shot with this tip from TG Top 50 Coach Gareth Johnston A favourite trick of course architects is to place bunkers 30 or 40 yards short of the green. It creates visual confusion by foreshortening the approach, and leaves one of golf’s smelliest shots for anyone unfortunate enough to be caught out. Here...

  • How to get out of the bunker first time, every time

    Tuesday 28 November 2017

    Struggle in the bunker? Learn how to get out of the bunker first time, every time  Many club golfers struggle in sand because they complicate things. Aim, ball position and the release of the club all switch in a quest for a different action deemed necessary to get out. In fact, the best way to guarantee getting out is to keep...

  • Nicolas Colsaerts: Masters long range and short range bunker shots

    Written by Golf World on Friday 6 October 2017

    In this tip, Nicolas Colsaerts tells you how to master both the long range bunker shot and the short splash Do you struggle knowing which shot to hit depending on where you are in the bunker? Whether you need hitting long shots out of fairway bunkers or splashing shots out by the green – Colsaerts shows you how to both. “Fairway bunker...

  • Paul Waring’s bunker drill to fix your stance

    Thursday 31 August 2017

    Did you know that where you stand in the bunker could be the reason you aren’t getting out of the sand?  In this video, European Tour Professional Paul Waring shows you a drill that you can use to practice bunker shots – and it’s as simple as drawing some lines in the sand.  Paul says: “I start by drawing a line down...

  • Paul Waring: How to create more loft in your bunker shots

    Monday 21 August 2017

    European Tour Pro Paul Waring shows you how to create more loft from your bunker shots – and shows how he can even do it with a ONE-IRON!  If you struggle to get out of bunkers with a higher lip, this drill is definitely one you should spend a minute or two watching. While most people will reach for their most lofted...

  • Getting out: On the upslope of a steep-faced bunker

    Monday 14 August 2017

    How to get out of a bunker when you’re on the upslope and have a steep lip in front of you If you’re unfortunate enough to wind up under the lip of a deep bunker, your rst job is to devise a realistic game plan. Depending on the lie and the lip, you may not be able to reach the...

  • Get up and down from the Sand!

    Wednesday 22 February 2017

    In this video, PGA Professional Gareth Johnston shows you a simple drill that will help you raise the percentage of up and downs you have on the course from greenside bunkers. Gareth explains how to lift the trajectory of your bunker shots for more purchase on the greens – watch the video to find out how!...

  • How far behind the ball should I hit a bunker shot?

    Written by Alan White, chairman of the PGA in Scotland and head pro at Lanark Golf Club on Monday 23 November 2015

    This two-step drill will fix your bunker shots for good Most golfers understand that when playing a short bunker shot, you normally want to hit the sand behind the ball. Unfortunately, many try to achieve this and help achieve loft by striking down into the sand very steeply. This steep angle of attack is doomed to fail.  You need the back edge...

  • Bunker play: Acceleration is the key

    Tuesday 3 November 2015

    Beat the ball   Fault: Your greenside bunker shots come out too low or stay in the sand. Fix: From a deep bunker or with little green to work with, a low flight simply will not get you down in two. Height is required – and for this, speed is the key. The correct set-up will allow you to attack from the perfect shallow...

  • Swing for success

    Wednesday 5 August 2015

    In this instruction video, TG coach Jonathan Wallett explains how to swing for success in the sand. He shows you how to adjust your swing for the sand.

  • Setting up for success

    Wednesday 5 August 2015

    In this instruction video, TG coach Jonathan Wallett explains how to set up for success in bunkers.

  • How to play that awkward bunker shot

    Wednesday 27 May 2015

    Your ball lands close to the rear of the bunker with not much room for a backswing. In this instruction video, TG Top 50 Coach Steve Astle shows you how to play that awkward bunker shot.

  • Basic bunker play

    Wednesday 27 May 2015

    In this instruction video, TG Top 50 Coach Steve Astle explains the basics when it comes to bunkers.

  • Distance control from a bunker

    Wednesday 27 May 2015

    In this instruction video, TG Top 50 Coach Steve Astle shows you how to control your distance from the sand.

  • The easy way to play bunker shots

    Written by Michael Bannon on Thursday 7 May 2015

    Let Rory’s coach show you a simple way to get out of the sand. Amateurs can get into a horrible mess in bunkers. I’ve seen club golfers try to heave so much sand out of a bunker it is as if they are shovelling the stuff on a building site! In fact, it is a simple shot to get right –...

  • Louis Oosthuizen’s Bunker Clinic: The Flop Shot

    Written by Louis Oosthuizen on Thursday 18 December 2014

    Need help with your bunker play? The Pros are here to help. In this golf tips video, Mercedes-Benz brand ambassador Louis Oosthuizen demonstrates how to effectively execute the flop shot over a bunker. You need quite a bit of height on your ball to get it over and stop it quickly, so it all depends on the lie. Everything is a...

  • Danny Willett: Improve your swing in the sand

    Written by Danny Willett on Tuesday 9 December 2014

    As with pitching, many of the themes I look to employ in my full swing – the feeling of the club moving in front of me, and strong upper-body movement over a stable base – also show up in bunker play. As a consequence, I spend a lot of my practice time in sand. For me, the most important thing...

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