Driving and Woods

  • Control Your Breathing To Hit Straight Drives

    Written by Gareth Johnston on Friday 9 April 2010

    When faced with a tight tee shot to a narrow fairway, the tendency among many amateur golfers is to try and guide their ball down the fairway. But swinging in this way often makes the action jerky through the ball, which reduces accuracy considerably. In this golf video tip from TG Elite Teaching Pro Gareth Johnston, you will learn how controlling the...

  • Rope Drill For Extra Power

    Written by Gareth Johnston on Thursday 25 March 2010

    If you want to maximise the distances your golf swing can generate, you need to make sure you create the most amount of speed where it matters most – into impact. If you’re someone that struggles with a lack of power, especially with the driver, try the rope drill explained in this golf video tip by TG Elite Teaching Professional Gareth Johnston. A loss...

  • Left shoulder slice cure

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Friday 19 March 2010

    The left shoulder only moves about six inches in the backswing. But as Today’s Golfer Elite teaching Pro Adrian Fryer explains in this golf video tip, the direction this small distance moves is crucial in causing or preventing the dreaded slice! When we pull too hard on the left shoulder too quickly, this forces the club to come out and across...

  • Stop The Reverse Pivot

    Written by Rob Watts on Thursday 4 March 2010

    A common cause of the slice is when the body reverse pivots – where the weight shifts on to the left foot (for a right-hander) during the backswing and the upper body tilts towards the target. The weight then shifts the other way in the downswing, causing the club to come into the ball from across the target line. In this...

  • Get a textbook takeaway

    Written by Steven Orr on Monday 7 December 2009

    Do you suffer from… • Slice with a driver • Lack of clubhead speed Why does this happen? It could well be your takeaway. It’s the movement that triggers your swing so it needs to be spot on. Get it wrong and it could lead to a series of swing faults that will seriously ruin your swing. If you cock your wrists too early in the...

  • Three Tips For Fairway Wood Play

    Written by Nick Clemens on Wednesday 30 September 2009

    We all carry fairway woods in our bag, but hands up if you’re a little bit scared of hitting them and would sooner chose an iron? If you struggle to hit shots off the fairway it could be your angle of attack to blame. A fariway wood requires a sweeping blow rather than a downward attack. TG Top 12 Teacher Nick Clemens...

  • Get a better shape to your swing

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 29 September 2009

    Even though we all want to hit the ball further, how many of us actually put in that extra effort and get down the gym to try and get stronger and more flexible? But now thanks to TG’s Dan Frost, you can work the right muscles in your swing without shelling out lots of cash on a gym membership. By using a...

  • Boxing Glove Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 29 September 2009

    A widely known and frequently taught golf tip is to keep the left arm straight for as long as possible in the backswing. Although this thought is great for generating width, it’s realistically a very difficult position to feel and to achieve. So as an alternative thought, try this easy backswing drill from TG’s Dan Frost. By placing a boxing glove...

  • Cane Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Tuesday 29 September 2009

    That sound of the whip of the shaft through impact is a sure sign you’ve hit the ball with masses of power. It’s a simple idea but one that should never be ignored. As a drill, grab an old shaft or cane and try and realise the potential power you have in the hands and in the release. Place a tee in...

  • Find The Fairway With Hugh Marr

    Written by Hugh Marr on Monday 28 September 2009

    Ball Wants To Hook Whether you’re fighting a hook or a slice, here are the solutions to your driving ills Chest Over Ball At Impact Keeping your sternum over the ball holds the bottom of the swing arc down. That encourages your lead arm and hand to do their job correctly and lead the way into impact. This lead arm dominant...

  • Position The Ball

    Written by Butch Harmon on Sunday 27 September 2009

    With the driver, most golfers play the ball too far forward and stand too far away from it. This might feel powerful, but it sets some bad things in motion. The forward ball position shifts the shoulders open to the target, which leads to an out-to-in swing and usually a slice. Standing too far from the ball pulls the upper...

  • Stronger impact position drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 24 September 2009

    A sure way to generate power and therefore that extra distance is to synchronise the arms with the body and clear a path for the club with the hips. A common error is keep the hips static in the downswing and swing with the arms, meaning you lose the power you generated in the backswing. But by using a Velcro strap with...

  • Keep elbows compact drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 24 September 2009

    The flying right elbow is a well-documented backswing fault that minimises shoulder turn and hinders the consistency of strike into the ball. The arms need to stay relatively close together in the swing for it to be more compact, efficient and to get the body into a strong position in the backswing. To achieve this feeling of connection, use a Pilates ring,...

  • Velcro straps drill to improve synchronisation

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 24 September 2009

    Where many people think they are creating a full shoulder turn at the top of the backswing, they are actually tilting their upper body. This awkward position will usually result in them cutting across the ball through impact creating that horrid slice shot. If this description matches you, then try this cane drill from TG’s Dan Frost to create a far...

  • Get a better coil by swinging on your knees

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 24 September 2009

    It’s common knowledge that every golfer wants to hit the ball further with the driver. But there are right and wrong ways to go about generating power in the swing and TG’s Dan Frost is here to show you how to do it correctly. A common fault among a lot of golfers is to try and get the whole body behind...

  • How I Turned A Low Fade Into A High Draw With Camilo Vilegas

    Written by Camilo Villegas on Tuesday 1 September 2009

    When I first arrived on Tour, if you’d asked me to hit a high draw then it wouldn’t have been a comfortable shot for me. I tended to hit the ball very low and, although I could move it both ways in the air, my natural shape was definitely a fade. Now, I’m not a very technical player, I don’t like...

  • Hit The Ball Out Of The Middle

    Written by Dan Frost on Monday 10 August 2009

    There are so many methods that golfers use to generate more power in their golf swing in an attempt to create more distance. Maybe you’ve been working on increasing your shoulder turn, hip rotation or simply been hitting the gym to try and get stronger. But a lot of amateurs forget that hitting the ball out of the centre of the...

  • Hula Hoop Draw Shot Drill

    Written by Dan Frost on Monday 10 August 2009

    At the top of many golfers’ wish lists will be to replace their horrid slice with a nice high draw. Well this tip provides the answer you’ve been waiting for! By moving your stance in a circular motion to the left but keeping the club face pointing at the target, you’re set up in a great position to hit that draw...

  • Tiger Woods Tee Shot Stinger

    Written by Tiger Woods on Thursday 6 August 2009

    Try my tee shot stinger… Controlling trajectory is part of the fun of the game. I like hitting knockdowns because that’s the way the game was played in the old days to combat windy conditions at links courses. One of my coolest shots is the stinger with a fairway wood. It’s a great control tee shot that bores into the wind.

  • Getting Into The Slot With Rory McIlroy

    Written by Rory McIlroy on Thursday 6 August 2009

    Work on getting your club in this position for a consistent strike. If you start the downswing properly then this is the perfect position you get into. If you can find this position in your downswing, then you can’t hit a wayward shot. With a decent release, you can only hit it straight from here. I’m showing you this so you...

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