Golf Short Game

  • Flop it close

    Written by Richard Ellis on Friday 29 October 2010

    The flop shot is a great option to have at your disposal should you find yourself in a tricky situation around the green. You need a good lie and if you get one, you need to take advantage, using the advice in this video tip from TG Elite Teaching Pro Rich Ellis. The key is to accelerate the club through the...

  • A new way to play the flop shot

    Written by Lee Scarbrow on Friday 3 September 2010

    With a pin tight to the edge of the green, the only way to get your ball to stop quickly by the flag is by playing a high spinning flop shot. As TG Elite Teaching Pro Lee Scarbrow explains in this golf video tip, using a stronger left hand grip allows you to hinge the wrists early in the backswing and get...

  • Use the slopes to your advantage

    Written by Lee Scarbrow on Friday 27 August 2010

    When faced with a sloping green, you shouldn’t just ignore the slopes and go straight for the flag! If you can, try and use them to your advantage to get your ball closer to the hole. In this example, TG Elite Teaching Pro Lee Scarbrow finds himself facing a chip to a flag just over the top of a ridge. But...

  • Which club should you chip with?

    Written by Steven Orr on Wednesday 18 August 2010

    Many golfers who have recently taken up the game naturally struggle to understand which club to use around the green and the factors to take into consideration. The goal when chipping should be to choose a club that gets you over whatever obstacle you face between you and the flag. It could be a bunker, some thick rough or even a...

  • The flop shot

    Written by Andy Lavers on Tuesday 17 August 2010

    When you short side yourself to a tight pin, the only option you have is to flop the ball high and get it to land soft if you want to finish close to the hole. Many amateur golfers go about this in the wrong way, however, and consequently leave them self too far away from the pin to save par.  This golf...

  • The chip and run

    Written by Andy Lavers on Tuesday 17 August 2010

    Many golfers have a limited repertoire of shots around the green and stick to using the sand wedge from almost all situations. But more often than not, a chip and run is the more suitable play, especially when you have a tight lie or if you have plenty of green between you and a back pin. With these tips from Burghley Park...

  • Recovery Zone – Downhill Chip

    Written by Rob Watts on Friday 25 June 2010

    The downhill chip is one of the toughest shots in golf to execute, but an up-and-down for par is still possible if you follow these simple steps. In this video tip TG Elite Teaching Pro Rob Watts shows you how to set up correctly to knock it close. Take a lofted club, adjust your body so your shoulders are parallel to...

  • Approach Zone – Pitching

    Written by Adrian Fryer on Thursday 27 May 2010

    Do you want more control with your pitch shots? Then this golf video tip from TG Approach Zone Instructor Adrian Fryer is well worth a watch! Many amateur golfers, scared of thinning the ball through the green, present too much shaft lean at address in attempt to create a descending blow on the ball in the downswing. But this often gets overdone,...

  • The 8-Iron lob Shot With Steve Webster

    Written by Steve Webster on Monday 28 September 2009

    This drill is quite fun and I use it a lot in my short game practice routine to consolidate a few of the fundamental techniques that you need. The only way you can play what is effectively a medium height pitch shot with an 8-iron is to keep the loft on the club by keeping the hands low and soft. You...

  • How To Spin Your Wedges On Command

    Written by Tiger Woods on Tuesday 15 September 2009

    Keep your big muscles moving through impact… If you’re having problems hitting those little spinners with your wedges, perhaps your ball position or technique is off. I like to play the ball toward the middle of my stance on most irons, especially short irons. That helps me get my hands ahead of the ball through impact (above, middle), which is essential for...

  • Versatility Is The Key With Rory McIlroy

    Written by Rory McIlroy on Friday 4 September 2009

    Picking the right shot at the right time is very important and I do have a tendency sometimes to grab the 60º lob wedge whatever the challenge I’m faced with. Michael has been trying to get me to be more versatile and to go with the percentage option rather than the crowd pleasing one! So here’s the bump and run,...

  • Short Game Solutions

    Written by Hugh Marr on Wednesday 2 September 2009

    It’s the area we can all improve in but rarely devote sufficient time to. The variety of shots we are required to play within such a small distance from the pin is huge and it takes very subtle changes in our technique to master each and every one of them. But this latest online magazine from Golf World has all the...

  • Hit The Flag With Your Wedge with Rory McIlroy

    Written by Rory McIlroy on Monday 24 August 2009

    It was last summer that I decided my wedge play wasn’t up to the standard it needed to be. I was not as accurate as I would have liked and I was spinning the ball too much, which made control and precision very tricky. I was too lose. My body would stop on the downswing, my hands would take over...

  • Blasting Uphill by Phil Mickelson

    Written by Phil Mickelson on Monday 24 August 2009

    Uphill lies in sand give amateurs trouble because the tendency is to drive the clubhead directly into the upslope. There’s no margin for error that way: If you hit behind the ball even a little too much, the clubhead will pass directly under the ball, and you’ll be lucky to get it out of the sand. The key is to adjust...

  • Paul Broadhurst Demonstrates How To Hit The High Lob Shot

    Written by Paul Broadhurst on Friday 24 July 2009

    Very often round the green you’ll find yourself shortsided – that is with little or no green to play with before the flag and often with a bunker or other hazard in between. This is a shot that strikes many amateurs with fear of either duffing into a bunker or running through the green on the far side. In this video European...

  • How To Pitch And Run With Paul Broadhurst

    Written by Paul Broadhurst on Friday 17 July 2009

    You’ve got a 20 yard pitch a run shot with no hazards between yourself and the flag. Many golfers would simply reach into the bag and pull out their trusty wedge. But Paul Broadhurst, European Tour professional, says a lofted club is not necessarily the answer. In this video he will show you how to achieve more consistent pitch and runs by...

  • Lob Shots Made Easy

    Written by Dan Frost on Thursday 18 June 2009

    The lob shot is one of the most versatile shot game shots in the book. It can get you out of a tricky situation when the ball’s nestled down in the rough greenside and there’s not a lot of green to play with. The secret to playing this shot with success is to make a long, lazy yet committed swing with...

  • Master The Chip-Putt

    Written by Dan Frost on Friday 8 May 2009

    A common mistake most amateurs make is to pick their most lofted club to chip with, even if they’re only a few yards short of the green. If there are no hazards to carry ahead of you then this high shot is simply not required. A much easier method is to play the chip in the same style as a putt, with...

  • Face Up In The Rough

    Written by Tiger Woods on Thursday 30 April 2009

    How to keep it square Controlling the clubface is equally important on long and short shots. When pitching from the high stuff, the secret is to keep the face from closing through impact, which occurs when the tall grass wraps around the hosel and the toe turns over. I open the face of my 60-degree wedge slightly and grip the...

  • The 25 Yard Run Out

    Written by Hugh Marr on Thursday 19 March 2009

    While the notion of striking shots stacked with backspin is an enticing one, there are times when you need the ball to release forward, up to the hole. Learning to take backspin off a chip shot is, if anything, a more important skill than adding it. Club: Any wedge Rhythm: Smooth, and quiet Key concept: Play a mini-hook Set-up Think ‘neutral‘, the club...

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