dec18 puttingguru

By TG staff writer

The first golf club in Ireland to host a Yes! Golf Putter Custom Centre has just opened at the Island Golf Club in Donabate.

The inventor of the phenomenal Yes! Golf Putter and European Tour putting guru Harold Swash flew in especially for the occasion to offer close-up coaching sessions to invited guests of the head pro Marcus Casey, the young South African who now advises the 1,200 members of the Island GC, one of Ireland’s most venerable links courses.

The 74 year-old Swash was last in Ireland at The K Club in July for the European Open, going through drills with long-time student Padraig Harrington, with whom he has had a lengthy association.

The custom centre represents not only a first for club-golf in the Irish Republic, but a magnet for golfers of all levels in the country who fancy taking fast points off their golf scores through the experienced eye of Casey and a custom-fitted C-Groove putter.

Harold Swash commented: “There’s an amazing ‘can-do’ energy about this country that I love, and it was a key part of the Ryder Cup success last year.

“Somewhere in Ireland – I’m convinced – there is someone with the makings to be the 2nd best putter in the world… the next Padraig Harrington, David Howell or Darren Clarke. Our commitment to Irish golf has to be to the hilt, and that’s what we’re looking forward to in 2008.”

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