Interactive Golf Lessons
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It’s never before been attempted but all this week we’ll be publishing the web’s first interactive golf lesson series.
Over the course of the next seven days and beyond we’ll be streaming golf lesson videos featuring real golf lessons taking place between one of our Top 12 instructors Dan Frost and his pupils.
In the extended length golf lesson videos you’ll be able to watch ‘fly on the wall’ style as a top golf coach give real tips and drills in a golf lesson environment to fix golfers’ faults.
Everything from slice problems to bad shoulder turn issues are discussed and fixed by TG’s instructor and you can watch it for FREE right here!
And that’s not all either. We want YOU to get involved by clicking the ‘Discuss This’ button at the bottom of the page to leave your own requests for specific golf lesson videos.
So, if you really want to see a real golfer’s hook fixed click the button and let us know and each week we’ll film such a golf lesson so you can get all the info you need to fix your own faults on the practice range without having to resort to expensive golf lessons!