jan23 finalfantasy

By TG staff writer

So this is it. After ten weeks of gruelling Fantasy Golf competition this weekend’s Buick Invitational is the final event in the first ever Today’s Golfer Winter Fantasy League.

Starting on November 8th last year the series has seen players competing on courses as far afield as New Zealand and Hawai and current leader marco kefer has obvioulsy back quite a few in-form golfers, amasssing an incredible 954 points so far.

His lead and with it the top prize of a dream holiday for four to Portugal’s Vale Do Lobo complex is still very much up for grabs however with this week’s points being worth DOUBLE!

Don’t forget to pick your team for it though as the deadline for changes is 00:00 GMT on Thursday, 24th January. If you don’t win there are still loads of amazing runners up prizes to be had!

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