June 11 Course easier than usual?

By Jock Howard

There is a feeling that this US Open is going to be a big different from many of the 107 which have proceeded it. For the first time in living memory, the organisers of the event, the USGA, have actually widened four fairways rather than narrowed them. Known for producing thick rough just off the fairways and greens as hard as marble, they seem to have relented a bit this time and the greens don’t seem to be quite as fast as usual.
This has all got people speculating that the winning score could well be under par, not a common event at US Opens. Bookmakers were reporting last night that significant amounts of money had been placed on the winner’s score being anything from 3-under par to 10-under.

What does seem clear is that some of the forward tee positions will be used, at least once during the weekend; which is just as well, because from the back tees this course measures 7,643 yards, nearly 300 yards longer than any major championship course in history. What’s more, if the wind blows, then this cliff-top course right on the Pacific Ocean will take some handling.

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