May2 Copperchallenge

By , Today's Golfer Editor

A Bedfordshire police officer due to take part in a famous 56 mile footslog through South Africa has come up with wacky way to help get in shape and raise even more cash for his chosen charity.

Woburn beat manager PC Mike Armstrong, who until recently covered Flitwick, is planning to play THREE 18-hole rounds of golf on THREE courses in under THREE hours – by running between every shot he plays.

Four colleagues will speed behind in two golf buggies and act as divot repairers and caddies for PC Armstrong, a five handipcap golfer who is raising money for Keech Cottage Children’s Hospice in Luton.

The bizarre event, inspired by an American sport called “Speed Golfing”, will start at 6.30am on May 31 and take place on the Duke’s, Duchess’ and Marquess’ courses at Woburn Golf Club in Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes.

It is aimed at highlighting a bid by PC Armstrong, and six other Bedfordshire Police officers, to raise £10,000 for Keech Cottage by running the famous Comrades Marathon on June 17.

They will run from Pietermaritzburg in the Zulu province of KwaZulu-Natal on the South East coast of South Africa to the Sahara Kingsmead Cricket Stadium in Durban. The officers, who are paying their own air fares and accommodation costs, will endure sub tropical conditions, dusty tracks, unfamiliar wildlife and pass through the wilds of the Drakensberg Mountains.

Involved are Kempston-based Operational and Contingency Planning Officer PC John Schofield, Luton-based DC John Williams, Ampthill’s Sgt Richard Stonecliffe, former Leighton Buzzard officer PC Chris Naughton of Dunstable, Biggleswade’s DC Barry Onwuchekwa and PC Caroline Dentith from the Child Protection Team at Luton.

PC Armstrong said: “We are each running 70 plus miles a week as part of our training routine and the speed golf is a way to get fit and raise extra cash at the same time. 

“We are extremely grateful to the golf club for letting us use their facilities for this unusual event and would urge any individuals or companies interested in helping this fantastic charity to get in touch.”

Anyone who wants to make a donation can do it on line by visiting and clicking the purple “sponsor us now” box. Alternatively, telephone PCs Armstrong or Schofield on 01234 841212.

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