oct2 tenners

By Courses editor Kevin Brown

Two of the stars of this week’s star-studded Alfred Dunhill Links Championship in Scotland today declared they’d love to have a crack at the popular TG Tenner.

Ace oarsman Sir Steve Redgrave and Hollywood actor Bill Murray – both dead keen golfers – confirmed their interest in taking us on for the coveted Tenner, a longtime popular feature in the magazine in which a member of our editorial team plays a golfing celeb over 18 holes.

However, it must be said Sir Steve sounded more enthusiastic than comedian Murray, famous of course for his role in Caddyshack, arguably the best golfing movie ever made.

After his practice round on St Andrews’ Old Course playing alongside Ian Poulter and DJ Spoony, Murray said: “I can’t do it right now…I’m dead beat. How are you playing anyway?” When I responded with “hopeless” his eyes lit up and he quipped: “Let’s make it twenty pounds then!”

We’ll see but rest assured if the encounter does come off it will rank right up there alongside Samuel L. Jackson, another competitor this week, who is still sore about surrendering the TG Tenner on the 18th green at Wentworth just over a year ago.

Sir Steve, looking forward to a final practice round alongside Barry Lane at Kingsbarns tomorrow, meanwhile is relishing a second crack at the TG Tenner, having experienced mixed fortunes first time round.

He recalled: “I remember we played at Harleyford and I played pretty ropily though I did manage to reach one of the par 5s in two for the one and only time. Mind you, I still blew it as I four putted! Hopefully I’ll be able to putt it all together next time.


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