sept4 essexteetimes

By Kevin Brown, TG Courses Editor

Bag yourself an amazing green fee deal with

There are thousands of tee times now available through the Saver Golf and SuperSaver Golf schemes.

In Essex there are stacks of courses with 50% off. Wanstead, Lords, Blakes, Benton Hall, Clacton-on-Sea andEssex G&CC are the pick of the crop for this week.

But there are hundreds more with at least 20% discount. You really can play some decent courses for around £15. And it’s quick and hassle-free with’s new online booking system.

You can even see the Essex courses from a satellite! We’ve teamed up with google so that you can see the course from the sky before you play it! So look at the course reviews before you play and see the course from every angle!

Make sure you check out the latest deals….

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