june 13 TG psychologist on TV

By TG Instruction Editor

TG’s resident mind guru will be making a starring appearance on Channel Five’s TV show ‘Families at War’ tonight.

Jamil Qureshi has been sharing his wisdom on all aspects of the mental game in TG for the last six months, now his advice is going out to millions of viewers. But this time he hasn’t got troubled golfers to deal with, instead he’s acting as the peacekeeper for argumentative families.

Tonight is the third part of the popular show, and Jamil says one of the most interesting families he’s had to deal with yet. “Let’s just say it wasn’t an easy task to get them talking,” he laughs. “But communication is the foundation for making progress in any situation.”

Qureshi insists he hasn’t put his work with golfing stars on the backburner and says there are a lot of lessons the feuding families have learned that can apply to golfers too.

He’ll be working hard with guys like European Tour star Thomas Bjorn at the US Open this week.


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