Tiger Woods can walk on water

By Kit Alexander

We all know Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer on Earth but who knew he was so good he can walk, and play, on water?

The proof of Tiger’s supernatural powers is in the the video below that was made in reponse to a YouTube video showing a glitch in the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 game.

In the original video the player is able to use Tiger to hit a ball floating on water straight into the hole.

EA’s witty reponse to this has got to be one of the best videos on YouTube – they recreated the scene and got the world number one to wander out onto a pond, getting nothing more than the soles of his feet wet, and strike a ball precisely perched on a lilly pad into the hole.

This has to be seen to be believed and as the video says, “It’s not a glitch. He’s just that good”.

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