• 4 Steps to a better backswing

    Friday 30 November 2018

    Four steps to… a better backswing Here is a four-step drill that makes it easier to find good shape at the top. Repeat it until the position you find begins to feel familiar… then use it as a reference for your top-of-the-backswing position during the swing itself. 1. Take Your Stance Play the ball just forward of centre. Make sure your lead ear...

  • Joost Luiten: ‘My four-step set-up process will give you the perfect posture’

    Friday 12 October 2018

    Joost Luiten: ‘My four-step set-up process will give you the perfect posture’ Your posture is important because it helps to create so much of what happens after it in the swing. If your set-up is wrong, your swing is going to be wrong. A lot of golfers can’t make a good takeaway, get into a good position at the top of the...

  • Four steps to a first class address

    Thursday 16 August 2018

    Four Steps to a first class address There are not too many hard and fast rules in golf technique these days, but one enduring one is a good set-up. Your address creates a framework for your entire swing. A good set-up promotes a free, balanced movement that sends the club up and down the correct line; a poor one means...

  • How do I know if I’m swaying off the ball?

    Monday 2 July 2018

    Think you are swaying off the ball? Use this simple drill to show if you are drifting off the ball… For accurate and powerful ball striking we need to control both the arc of the swing, and its low point. Sway laterally during the backswing and both are compromised. It’s not always easy to self-diagnose a sway, but here is a...

  • See 1-2-3 for Strong Irons

    Tuesday 8 May 2018

    Use this 1-2-3 sequence in your set-up for stronger irons Many of golf’s mishits can be traced back to poor sequencing and timing. Known as the kinematic sequence, the ideal chain of movement sees energy passed from the feet through the legs, hips and torso into the shoulders and arms, wrists and ultimately the clubhead. This is the magic sequence that...

  • Four steps to a perfect grip

    Monday 12 February 2018

    Have trouble with your grip? Follow these four simple steps to get the perfect grip. #1: Pre-Kink The Wrist Place your gloved hand to the side of the grip, the badge looking slightly right of target (right-handers). Push your knuckles towards your target to create a noticeable kink in the wrist. This helps you run the club through the correct part of the...

  • Justin Rose: Why You Don’t Need A One-Piece Takeaway

    Tuesday 30 January 2018

    Justin Rose: Why you don’t need a one-piece takeaway This tip comes from our sister magazine, Golf World, where Justin Rose is a columnist. Click here to subscribe to their magazine now!  I don’t believe in a one-piece takeaway because the clubhead has so much further to travel than the body in your backswing. Things get out of sync in a one-piece...